quotes on education

It was argued that the Negro was inferior by nature because of Noah's curse upon the children of Ham.... The greatest blasphemy of the whole ugly process was that the white man ended up making God his partner in the exploitation of the Negro. ~Martin Luther King, Jr., Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?, 1967
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty. ~Frank Herbert
I hate cameras. They are so much more sure than I am about everything. ~John Steinbeck
Dear beautiful Spring weather, I miss you. Was it something I said? ~"Skipper" Kim Corbin
If Painting be Poetry's sister, she can only be a sister Anne, who will see nothing but a flock of sheep, while the other bodies forth a troop of dragoons with drawn sabres and white-plumed helmets. ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827
I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that. ~Lauren Bacall
I am not bound for any public place, but for ground of my own where I have planted vines and orchard trees, and in the heat of the day climbed up into the healing shadow of the woods. Better than any argument is to rise at dawn and pick dew-wet red berries in a cup. ~Wendell Berry
We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon. ~Konrad Adenauer
Of course there's a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don't take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates. ~Abbott Lawrence Lowell
The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to get the most feathers with the least hissing. ~Jean Baptist Colbert, attributed
A real friend is someone who would feel loss if you jumped on a train, or in front of one. ~Author Unknown
He who lends a book is an idiot. He who returns the book is more of an idiot. ~Arabic Proverb
I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich. ~Colonel Potter, M*A*S*H
Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation. ~Lois Wyse
The sound of tireless voices is the price we pay for the right to hear the music of our own opinions. ~Adlai Stevenson, speech, New York City, 28 August 1952
Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you're just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric. ~Pam Brown
A mystique of history and heritage surrounds the New York Yankees. It's like the old days revived. We're loved and hated, but always in larger doses than any other team. We're the only team in any sport whose name and uniform and insignia are synonymous with their entire sport all over the world.... the Yankees mean baseball to more people than all the other teams combined. ~Paul Blair, quoted in Washington Post, 22 June 1978
We speak little if not egged on by vanity. ~Fran�ois de la Rochefoucauld
Virtue would not go to such lengths if vanity did not keep her company. ~Fran�ois de la Rochefoucauld
Sickness is poor-spirited, and cannot serve anyone; it must husband its resources to live. But health or fullness answers its own ends, and has to spare, runs over, and inundates the neighborhoods and creeks of other men's necessities. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson