bieber beats

bieber beats. The inescapable Justin Bieber
  • The inescapable Justin Bieber

  • NebulaClash
    Sep 14, 10:37 AM
    I think it's a fair question to ask as well. Since all phones have this issue to one degree or another, why is it Apple who got singled out? Because they are the mindshare leaders. If you are Greenpeace and you want to get publicity, call out Apple. If you are Consumer Reports and you want headlines, call out Apple.

    When the iPhone 5 comes out, I guarantee there will be stories published about signal issues with it. It's now the standard playbook to use against Apple, and the media goes along with it.

    I'm a Consumer Reports subscriber, but I know their tech coverage is spotty at best. Sometimes it's laughably wrong. And too many people take their word as gospel instead of just one more useful data point. Heh, it's funny but as this thread is developing I just got a subscriber email from them asking for a $26 donation to them so they can continue to buy the products they test. I'll pay them $26 because I believe in their non-advertiser supported model.

    But I wish they would not feed the anti-Apple FUD playbook. Yes, Apple absolutely should be called out for a design flaw, one that they are going to fix, but let's not blow it out of proportion the way it was. And let's not be hypocritical and call out Apple while giving a pass to everyone else with similar issues. That's the problem I'm focusing on.

    bieber beats. Justin Bieber beats Lady Gaga
  • Justin Bieber beats Lady Gaga

  • macthetiger85
    Apr 26, 05:04 PM
    And for all the non-legal "experts" out there.

    Windows can be trademarked because while it is a generic term, it is not a generic term that describes the product or service.

    If "Windows" was a window company, it could not be trademarked because it is a generic terms that describes the product or service.

    A huge difference.

    that's innacurate

    bieber beats. up out Justin+ieber+eat+
  • up out Justin+ieber+eat+

  • smugDrew
    Apr 1, 01:36 AM
    I assume Safari 5.1 is in this refresh of Lion Preview?

    Is it faster? How is memory the resource usage? :cool:

    bieber beats. Justin Bieber beats Adam
  • Justin Bieber beats Adam

  • imac_japan
    Apr 6, 10:54 AM
    Next Commodore 64? You know Commodore started selling computers after Apple, sold fewer computers than Apple, and is gone, right? Why the Hell do you want Apple to be anything like Commodore?

    Because the Commodore 64 sold better than anything Apple has built and it was cheap !! It was a computer for the masses....

    Thats what Apple needs.....All this Apple makes the best computers etc etc debate is pointless...

    They may be making money but the mac is not spreading...the ipod is ! Apple needs to push both lines

    bieber beats. Justin Bieber beats MJ at box
  • Justin Bieber beats MJ at box

  • TheOnlyJon
    Nov 27, 04:28 PM
    It's Christmas time :) Here are my last few purchases for various members of my family.

    Stocking stuffers for mom, dad, brother, and sister:

    Gift for my mom. She rides her bike 10 miles to and from work a few times a week:

    Gift for my brother. He sold all of his games to Gamestop so that he could buy Fifa 10. He really wants Fifa 11 too, but I'm waiting to see if I can find it cheaper:

    bieber beats. JustBeats. For Justin Bieber
  • JustBeats. For Justin Bieber

  • jxyama
    Mar 19, 11:11 AM
    You take the low end model, subtract the cost for the monitor and you have a computer that is sitting in the $500.00 - $600.00 range. Many people already have monitors and if not, you can find a decent one for relatively low cost.

    since CRT monitors cost next to nothing these days, eMac price can't be lowered that much even if it was headless. that will just eat into the profits. and why give the money for the monitor to other companies?

    apparently, apple's marketing dept. has concluded that the sale of AIO units with bigger margin turns more profit than that can be expected from increased sale of headless units with smaller margin. and as long as apple's profitable, there's no reason to argue that their strategy is wrong...

    eMac and iMac are for people who want to take home a box, open it up, plug in the power and start using them. they are NOT meant for people who want the absolute cheapest computers. right now, apple is not interested in making that kind of "cheapest" computers... nor has they ever been. the only time that happened was when they allowed clones and that certainly went nowhere because Macs were suddenly a commodity and apple took a major hit as "premium" hardware company.

    mind you, apple could change their mind and offer such a headless machine in the future, if their dept. sees that the computer market is changing. so while you may well be 100% correct in principle, apple hasn't had to or is yet to find a reason to offer such a headless.

    bieber beats. Watch: Justin Bieber Beat
  • Watch: Justin Bieber Beat

  • firestarter
    Apr 12, 10:01 PM
    Don't know what the price will be but I'm nearly positive there will be no 'upgrade' price.

    Apple seems to be moving to the app-store model where you pay less at first but then you pay the same for every upgrade.

    iLife has done this for years and now Aperture is doing the same thing. Frankly, I prefer it to the old way.

    I don't know... Licensing terms seem more reasonable on the app store.

    I guess we'll just have to see (I'm hoping for upgrade price though, since I have FCP!)

    bieber beats. husband Justin+ieber+eat
  • husband Justin+ieber+eat

  • anjinha
    Mar 22, 11:29 PM
    I don't believe any was born gay, that's my opinion. I believe you make the choice in your life, just like you make the choice on what career you want and college you desire to go to. I have friends that were once married (guy/girl) and then divorced because they liked their sex better. So now they are openly gay and happy. I have back and forth e-mails with them stating they consider it a choice. One of my friends is a writer for Lesbians and spoke in front of congress on this issue 2 years ago. I was with her and she even stated that it was a choice to become a lesbian and it's now America's choice to accept it for all for choose this path.

    They didn't choose to be gay. They either were bisexual and simply chose to date people from the same sex or they were previously in the closet an eventually came out.

    Sexuality is about who you're attracted to, not necessarily who you date/have sex with. You can choose who to date/have sex with but not who you're attracted to. Some men live "straight lifestyles" while being attracted to other men. That means they're in the closet, not that they chose to be straight.

    There are a lot of people who are born gay. There are also people who were born as bisexuals and then made a choice to either be strait or gay, which probably was the case for your friend.

    No, they're still bisexual, they simply choose to date people of the same sex.

    bieber beats. Is ieber beats taylor photo,
  • Is ieber beats taylor photo,

  • whooleytoo
    Sep 7, 10:38 AM
    It'll be interesting to see what they mean by "New Releases". Does this mean digital movie downloads are released at the same time as the DVD release, or before/after?

    Obviously, the most likely answer is the at the same time as the DVD release, but I really wish the studios would think 'outside the box'. Once setup, digital movie downloads could become an enormously profitable market:

    - Impulse buying: want to watch a movie? Just one click in iTMS.
    - Very low distribution costs.
    - Easy to launch globally: no need for marketing campaigns in different regions, just one global marketing campaign online - cheaper.
    - It's the best (arguably, the only) option that stands a chance in the fight against piracy.

    In fact, it could potentially be a more profitable market than the cinema, so why relegate the download market to trying to squeeze a few last dollars out of 6 month old movies, why not consider releasing the digital download around the same time as the cinema release, if not even before?

    For some reason, every time I think of MPAA (or RIAA, or any of the non-US equivalents) executives, I imagine someone huddled underneath their desks with their eyes closed and ears covered, mumbling a prayer that the big, bad internet will go away and make their lives a lot easier and cushier again. These people are so resistant to change they make the Catholic "Yup, world's still flat" Church seem avant garde.

    bieber beats. AMAs: Justin Bieber Beats
  • AMAs: Justin Bieber Beats

  • Multimedia
    Sep 6, 06:31 PM
    I'll Have To See It To Believe It. I can't believe the quality will compare with a physical DVD. :eek:

    bieber beats. Justin+ieber+eat+up+a+12
  • Justin+ieber+eat+up+a+12

  • MattyMac
    Aug 6, 09:40 PM
    "Hasta la Vista, Vista" image on flickr:

    I see black curtains:D

    bieber beats. purple Justin Bieber Beats
  • purple Justin Bieber Beats

  • asphalt-proof
    Nov 28, 02:26 PM
    People forget that MS has dominated pretty much every market they enter. Whether it be PDAs, PC desktops, Office software suites, internet browsers, and gaming (did I miss any other markets?). Yes, in almost every instance, their initial products leave much to be desired(XBOX+Halo excepted) but they pretty much rose to the occasion and soon took over the market. Partly because their competitors don't respond to MS's moves. Zune, in its current iteration, does not scare me, but if Apple decides the status quo is cool, then the ZUne could become a force. However, I doubt that Apple will stay seated. Com'n iPhone, vPod, PodCar, whatever!!! :p

    bieber beats. Justin Bieber beats on ear
  • Justin Bieber beats on ear

  • PlipPlop
    Mar 25, 09:02 AM
    Just realised I was being stupid yesterday.

    I forgot about the Mac Pro's

    when it said ATI 6970 I thought, Yay, finally an iMac that normal people will buy will be fitted into an iMac and make it a worthy competitor to a good spec PC.

    Then it dawned on me, I'm stupid and probably none of the upper end models will find their way into iMac's will they? :(

    Its unlikely they will fit in an imac case. They are about 30cm long and are all dual slot.

    bieber beats. Bieber#39;s fellow Canadian Drake
  • Bieber#39;s fellow Canadian Drake

  • ngenerator
    Sep 14, 08:57 AM
    This story gets buried in the blog and a story of ninja stars makes page one? No Apple bias here. :rolleyes:

    I lol'ed, how is this not a larger story? Wth is going on today?!?

    bieber beats. Justin Bieber beats Gaga
  • Justin Bieber beats Gaga

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 23, 11:16 PM
    I did not wade thru all the posts here as to "why not diesel" - but as an American that has watched cars across "The Pond" I wondered why not here in the US. Based on a quick search of prices here in the Reston Va area.... diesel is about 15% higher than the gas price.... the added cost of a TDI Golf vs a gas model makes it hard for low milage drivers to make the switch.....

    Much of our US based concerns seem to be on power vs economy....

    bieber beats. Justin Bieber beats MJ at box
  • Justin Bieber beats MJ at box

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 11, 06:12 AM

    bieber beats. purple justin ieber beats.
  • purple justin ieber beats.

  • Object-X
    Nov 27, 08:26 PM
    Well, see... there's this little thing called market analysis and listening to the people you sell things to. I highly doubt Apple was sitting around going "we need to release something new because its been months. I know! How about a different monitor size!"

    Why not reduce the 20" to $399? Why should they when they seem to be selling just fine at where they are?

    Dell is putting IMAGINED price pressure on Apple with their monitors. Selling cheaper crap will cost you less.


    Let's look at the facts.

    20" Apple $699 - Dell $399
    23" Apple $999 - Dell $799 (24")
    30" Apple $1999 - Dell $1499

    Those are real numbers. Dell has brighter specs, more connection options, and with the 23" they have a 24" that's still $200 cheaper.

    What imaginary planet are you on? $300, $200, and $500 difference in price respectively. That's real money. And it pressures people into considering a Dell. (Bad Apple!) All you are really getting for those extra hundres of dollars is a display that looks nice with your mini, MBP, or MP.

    You claim that Apple's monitors are selling well, but you have no facts to back that up. Apple doesn't post their sales numbers for products like this so you're just making it up. Those sales numbers could suck a$$ and you wouldn't know. And I believe they do suck, but Apple won't tell you that, it sucks because they want them to suck. Keep reading.

    I believe Apple does this to encourage people to buy iMacs. If your willing to pony up $2400 or more on a Mac Pro then maybe an extra $500 doesn't bother you for the two 30" displays your going to use, and if all you can afford is mini Apple doesn't seem to mind you buying that Dell monitor. By pricing the monitors several hundred more than they are really worth, you are now in the iMac price range. I bet if you could see and add up the numbers, buying a mini and an over priced cinema display gives Apple the same profit margin as an iMac. Apple doesn't have a mid range tower. Again, because they want to sell you an iMac. By keeping their product line simple they reduce costs; making one widget as apposed to five different widgets is cheaper. But that limits choice.

    I have an iMac, but I really don't want one. I want a mid-range tower and an external monitor. I'm not alone either. Apple's monitor price is a "choice incentive". It may help their bottom line, but it limits my choice. And since I hate Windows I'm forced into Apple's program. This is really what people are complaining about here. They want a mini and 20" cinema for under $1000, and I want a 23" and tower for under $2000, not a 24" iMac!

    So, back to a 17" cinema. Why would Apple do this? I don't think they will. A 17" iMac is only $899. That's where they make their money, oh, and people like me willing to pay premium because we value esthetics.

    bieber beats. Justin Bieber Beats Headphones
  • Justin Bieber Beats Headphones

  • yac_moda
    Jul 19, 06:56 PM
    So here are the plans for the future that I passed on to Apple that will make market share GO THROUGH THE ROOF :eek: :eek: :eek:

    First priority: Update Xcode to cross compile -- MacsWin.

    P2: Make a hands free iPod, voice control, voice feedback, a big screen for podcast video, communications integration or support. Demonstrate secure servers for podcasts.

    bieber beats. SOLO For Justin Bieber
  • SOLO For Justin Bieber

  • milo
    Nov 16, 02:44 PM
    Thats the beauty of going Intel, you dont drop the price ? DELL, HP and the other competitors WILL.

    I don't know if I'd expect that either. Has intel dropped the prices on dual core version yet? Or just introduced the quad core at higher prices?

    I don't rip DVDs. I rip DVD Images created with Toast from EyeTV broadcast recordings. So it's not an extra step. If you mean why not export direct to mp4 from EyeTV the answer is because they look like C**p. You want a really good looking mp4 file, Handbrake is the only way to go IMHO. And the maximum quality Toast encode to DVD image is also the best way to provide Handbrake with a superior master to rip from.

    You asked why anyone would use handbrake to rip from optical disk. I answered your question. People do it all the time, it's very common to rip DVDs.

    Sep 7, 06:58 AM
    Has anybody noticed that the memory upgrade has become cheaper? And has anybody noticed that apple left out the SO-Dimm information? Do you guys think they just left it out on the website, and will there be the SO-dimms in there as we are used too, or could they have changed to normal memory?

    Jan 11, 10:42 PM
    Maybe Apple's poster actually says more but we can't see the bottom?

    Something like: "There's something in the air... blow it out your ass Microsoft" :p


    Feb 18, 02:57 PM
    What screensaver/program are you using in the top-right photo? Looks pretty sweet and I'm not sure what it is.

    Jul 19, 07:27 PM
    Such short memories...

    2001-Q1 would be when the " Bubble" burst. The whole PC industry tanked, not just Apple. Motorola was also struggling to bring faster G4 processors to market, if I remember correctly.

    Ah, those were the days.

    A one page web-site, drooling capital venurists, a silly name like "", and the day of your IPO your stock was $100 a share. Set for life I tell ya.

    Jul 19, 05:40 PM
    I'm about ready to buy a 20" iMac but I want the new OS. How long do I have to wait?

    around six months or less