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  • Who is hotter, justin bieber

  • GregA
    Mar 22, 10:15 PM
    You serious?

    - Add Radio
    - Increase screen to around 3" (not enough to enter touch territory but a nice update)
    - Add High Definition Output support
    - Bluetooth Support

    There are plenty of updates they could do, and now that the nano no longer has the click wheel the classic name can simply point to the iPod that has the click wheel.

    Interesting. HD video with HDMI could replace the old AppleTV for people needing local storage. Add wifi and you could plug it into the TV to get the AppleTV interface, and use an iPhone as the remote.

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  • Justin Bieber isnt naked on

  • blondepianist
    May 2, 05:36 PM
    So you're saying we should go back to Mac OS Classic cooperative multi-tasking ?

    Hello ?

    The 80s called, they want their computing paradigms back. Cooperative multi-tasking makes sense on ressource limited architectures. Even the iPhone/iPad like devices are far from "ressource limited". We had pre-emptive multi-tasking on much less capable devices (think 386s with 8 MB of RAM).

    I think what he is saying is that programs that are actually doing work in the background can continue running, while those that aren't can suspend iOS style. That is how Lion works. It brings the benefits of both iOS & Mac OS.

    justin bieber ugly pics. Justin Bieber - IM SO UGLY
  • Justin Bieber - IM SO UGLY

  • Zaty
    Mar 20, 09:52 AM
    If you want to compare Macs to PCs, you just can't take any PC being sold for $500. Like other people said, you get what you pay for. On the other hand, not every PC is a piece of crap (hardware wise). I bought a top of the line PII 450MHz in late 1998. It cost almost $2000 back then. But guess what, it's still running happily. The question is how long is the computer going to last? The more you pay, the longer your computer (Mac or PC) normally lasts. The good thing about Apple is that there is no $500 crap.

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  • Justin Bieber Naked EXCLUSIVE

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 3, 10:27 AM
    IMHO, I dislike it. I don't like the guy's voice which sounds phony and overly-reverential. Once you call something you make magical it automatically sucks any magic it may have had out. And the ad is saccharine to me. I generally hate Apple ads but enjoy their products.

    I know that's your opinion but you really are missing the whole point of the Ad.

    It's like critiquing the way a piece of art looks based on the frame it's in and not the art itself.

    justin bieber ugly pics. Justin Bieber Ugly and Weird
  • Justin Bieber Ugly and Weird

  • hansolo669
    Feb 24, 09:53 AM
    how do you drive a monitor like that? I tought that both HDMI and DVI has respectivetly 1920*1080 and 1920*1200 as max res. ! am I wrong?

    dvi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Visual_Interface#Digital)

    hdmi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HDMI#Version_1.4)

    justin bieber ugly pics. better than Justin Bieber
  • better than Justin Bieber

  • Kilamite
    Apr 21, 11:20 AM
    Read the letter. I'd like an open response from Apple which specifically answers those questions.

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  • justin bieber ugly haircut

  • corywoolf
    Sep 6, 03:26 PM
    How is it expensive? 99$ a year is $8.25 a month...thats not bad!
    Luckily I get .Mac for free, but $99 is very expensive when compared to using flcker, gmail, youtube, etc.

    justin bieber ugly pics. if you hate Justin Bieber.
  • if you hate Justin Bieber.

  • NebulaClash
    Sep 14, 10:00 AM
    I guess you don't read the news. Toyota has recalled millions of vehicles this year, even though not every owner of those vehicles was specifically experiencing the problem.

    I guess you don't read my posts carefully. I said what you said, that Toyota issues a recall, but the onus is on the owner to bring in the vehicle for servicing. Exactly as Apple has now done: if you experience a problem, let them know and you can get a free bumper.

    To Consumer Reports this is an unacceptable way to deal with a design flaw. If it's Apple. For Toyota, it's fine and considered the normal way to handle a design flaw.

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  • Pokemon ugly justin bieber

  • Leet Apple
    Feb 28, 12:37 PM

    How do i get that screensaver on my MBP

    justin bieber ugly pics. When someone calls Justin Bieber ugly…
  • When someone calls Justin Bieber ugly…

  • Silentwave
    Sep 6, 05:56 PM
    Really confused as to why they just didn't skip to Core2.

    probably supply reasons and cost reasons.

    if they bumped it to core 2, at least the base model would still have been core duo, the c2d one would have been more expensive, and i'm willing to bet we may see the 1.83 C2D in more than just the 17" imac soon.

    justin bieber ugly pics. about Justin Bieber:
  • about Justin Bieber:

  • ddrueckhammer
    Jul 18, 09:48 AM
    This might get me to drop Netflix if it

    1. Is $3.99 or less for downloads (the cost of a new Blockbuster rental).
    2. Movies are at least DVD quality.
    3. Can be played via a Mac Mini or Airport Express AV hooked up to my TV.

    I would like to see bittorrent technology used to help cut the bandwidth costs for Apple and a queue system which automatically downloads the next movie in your queue and then deletes it at a specified time after you have played it. I will support this because if it works out then Apple will have the leverage to put $9.99 to keep movies on the store and I can still buy what I want for under $15 total after the rental.

    As for people not wanting to store large videos on their hard drives, it is the 21st century. I have 1/2 Terrabyte of storage in external hard drives. So do many others and that's alot of storage for DVD quality films. I just read an article the other day about some disk format that is being developed at Harvard that will hold 50Tb! Storage isn't an issue and I can see many people having media servers instead of DVD/CD collections in their homes in the future.

    justin bieber ugly pics. When someone calls Justin Bieber ugly…
  • When someone calls Justin Bieber ugly…

  • Evangelion
    Jul 14, 05:37 AM
    It would be nice - in theory - to have a hyper-fast wireless connection; however, what does it matter if my outside line stays at 2M/512k speed?

    Because those speeds go up? And because you are not always accessing the outside?

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  • +justin+ieber+quiz Ugly

  • ryanx27
    Sep 6, 12:02 PM
    Thank God I sold my mini three days ago. It was a Core Duo 1.66Ghz with 1GB RAM. Luckily the buyer's already payed and I'm on my way to the post office now. Phew!!

    LOL, sucks for that guy!! :p

    justin bieber ugly pics. Justin Bieber + Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber + Selena Gomez

  • Chundles
    Aug 7, 05:18 AM
    Aussie waiters must earn a fortune. My sister in law worked as a waitress in the USA and earned over US$1000 per weekend in wages and tips. So what's it like in Oz?

    We don't get tips. The comparison was between minimum wage in Alberta, Canada and regular award wages in NSW (same as minimum wage).

    NSW minimum wage for class 3 waiter at age 23: $17ph mon-fri, $20ph sat, $24ph sun.

    Alberta minimum wage ~5.90ph regardless of day, level and age.

    Mind you this was back in both wages have gone up since.

    I earnt over $5000 in about 3 months working 5 nights a week for a max of about 5 hours per shift.

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  • justin bieber i even usher

  • MattyMac
    Aug 6, 09:14 PM
    Looks like I'll be taking my lunch break at 1PM tomorrow:p

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  • Pics+of+ugly+justin+ieber

  • Platform
    Jul 13, 11:42 PM
    So, how long till it comes to laptops? :D

    And on top of that, its only going to be a viewer, right? I mean have they created any Blu-ray burners, yet?

    I really don't want to buy a Macbook Pro until it has Merom, 802.11n, and blue-ray, cause I know those are all going to be standard in less than a year and I can't afford to have a crippled laptop for 3 yrs.

    Hopefully it won't be too far, I've saved enough cash.

    Not long, as others have said its for sale for the desktops and I know that HP or someone has put and HD DVD player in a laptop ;)
    Edit: Sony is selling VAIO laptops with Blue Ray players !

    justin bieber ugly pics. See what#39;s Justin Bieber#39;s
  • See what#39;s Justin Bieber#39;s

  • MacinDoc
    Sep 5, 12:12 AM
    Would something in this realm be feasible for the mini updates? Just wondering while waiting for updates. Of course this is very vague on my part.

    $499: Core solo - 1.5
    $599: Core duo Yonah - 1.66
    $699: Core duo Yonah - 1.83
    $799: Core 2 duo Merom - low end (Not sure what that is)
    Won't happen, all Core Solos are now the same price as the 1.66 GHz Core2 Duo. So, the Solo is dead. And, regrettably, a price drop is unlikely.

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  • party justin bieber ugly

  • MicroByte
    Sep 12, 09:12 PM
    I really like it. It fits well and I like the material. It provides a good grip, slides nicely into my pocket, but doesn't slide around in my car when I place it on my center console.

    I searched for the Belkin case on BestBuy.com then clicked Find in Store. The Concord Pike store was the only one within 30 min of me that showed it as in stock. However, I just did it again and it says differently. I was there at 3:30pm today and I'm sure they didn't have a rush on them this afternoon. There were a lot there of each color. I'd suggest running over there tomorrow. They are on the iPod Accessory rack near the front of the store on the far right side.

    Awesome, thanks for the heads up with searching the site. I had actually gone there as well as other sites and didn't find much. They are marked NEW so they must have just added them.

    IT's too bad they don't have black, but I really like that Night Sky one. Is it dark purple or dark blue? I saw you had said very dark blue, but as aznguyen316 mentioned, it looks purple on their site.

    I don't think it's at any of the stores near me. All of the ones I saw today at the store I visited are marked as available, but the Night Sky shows ship to store (3 - 5 days). I'm still going to go tomorrow though.

    Any chance for some pictures?

    justin bieber ugly pics. Ugly Betty is still CUTER!
  • Ugly Betty is still CUTER!

  • lordonuthin
    May 8, 08:08 PM
    also, congrats to whiterabbit for 15 million points!

    Thanks, I hope this will be my best month yet, we shall see...

    Aug 6, 09:52 PM
    Nothing they haven't done before. Like the "Redmond, start your photocopiers" thing for Tiger. And Redmond did exactly that, it seems. ;)


    They did at WWDC '04 (when Tiger was introduced) with slogans like "Redmond, Start Your Photocopiers" and the word "Longhorn" in the Spotlight search field. ;)


    //sorry, I had to

    Apple OC
    Apr 23, 12:36 AM
    Its good that you are at least suspicious of apple's actions. There has to be a reason why apple inc still has not responded to this. BTW, before someone asks, no I do not have an android or other smart phone as they could be worse at spying than iphone.

    my guess is ... it is some future AdSpam thing Apple wants to implement such as how FaceBook and Google use to make money.

    They goofed by not encrypting it and will likely change that

    Apr 1, 03:15 PM
    Were them two apps downloaded via the Mac App Store by any chance?

    You might consider yourself lucky. Mine have no "X" at all:mad:

    Apr 19, 11:18 AM
    Yay, I'm hoping for a redesign..

    not needed..

    Nov 29, 01:37 PM
    It's true then; Apple are releasing a toilet with an iPod dock! SWEET!!!! :eek:

    Actually, I was thinking they were working on a car ;)