quotes on lohri

quotes on lohri

quotes on lohri quotes on lohri quotes on lohri

quotes on lohri quotes on lohri quotes on lohri

If sisters were free to express how they really feel, parents would hear this: "Give me all the attention and all the toys and send Rebecca to live with Grandma." ~Linda Sunshine

If you know someone who tries to drown their sorrows, you might tell them sorrows know how to swim. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

It often requires more courage to read some books than it does to fight a battle. ~Sutton Elbert Griggs

Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul. ~Marcus Aurelius

Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows. ~David T. Wolf

The new year begins in a snow-storm of white vows. ~George William Curtis

Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans. ~Peter F. Drucker

Be content to act, and leave the talking to others. ~Baltasar Gracian

The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one was useless. ~Nicholas Chamfort

Home ought to be our clearinghouse, the place from which we go forth lessoned and disciplined, and ready for life. ~Kathleen Norris

A man finds room in the few square inches of his face for the traits of all his ancestors; for the expression of all his history, and his wants. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Conduct of Life

Happiness and sadness run parallel to each other. When one takes a rest, the other one tends to take up the slack. ~Hazelmarie Elliott (�Mattie�)

One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh

Marriage is good for those who are afraid to sleep alone at night. ~St. Jerome, Attack on Jovinian

Teetotallers lack the sympathy and generosity of men that drink. ~W.H. Davies

I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am. ~Sylvia Plath

The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. ~Seneca

The future lies before you, like paths of pure white snow. Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show. ~Author Unknown

Really, all you need to become a good knitter are wool, needles, hands, and slightly below-average intelligence. Of course, superior intelligence, such as yours and mine, is an advantage. ~Elizabeth Zimmerman

A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from making a first effort. ~Sydney Smith