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  • baddj
    Mar 31, 04:58 PM
    The color really means that much to you?

    The top of it just does not look like it was meant to be a desktop app. makes me think of all the windows software you get how they over do the look of it.

    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber wax museum new
  • justin bieber wax museum new

  • gkarris
    Nov 29, 09:08 AM
    you know, I'm trying to figure out why the Zune is so universally hated, and I can't.

    I mean, yes it's Microsoft, but given the success of the xBox I would have thought some faith had been restored in them. I mean no one has even used the damn thing yet and their panning it as if it's the worse mp3 ever released. Yes, it's meant to go head to head with the iPod, and yes, it will probably fail, but why are we not giving credit where it's due?

    The 3 days/3 plays thing is kinda bunk, but the wifi sharing in the first place is a pretty neat idea. How many of you use iTunes sharing at work or in the dorm? Wouldn't it be nice if your iPods could do the same?

    And what's wrong with a larger screen that works in both landscape and portrait? I have a feeling that were the iPod to have gotten this functionality first everyone would be tripping over their credit cards to order one.

    I dunno, just seems like everyone is getting overly excited on joining the "trash the zune" bandwagon that they aren't willing to give any credit where it's due.

    I couldn't wait for Bungie's "Halo" (Bungie started out on Macs and made great games for them). But my fear was trying to update my PC and drivers again and again. Then, it was to come out for XBox! No more trying to get the hardware to work with the software, as it's designed for a game console. MS did great here with the XBox...

    I looked at the Zune forum and the users are having problems putting vidoes into Zune. One user said this was the "easy" fix:

    Posts: 27

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  • JGowan
    May 3, 01:32 AM
    i think this is the wrong way to go!

    Its pulling apart mac os into a waterd down version of itself they will continue to add this stuff untill there is no difference between ios and mac os!

    What we'll be left with is a powerfull but waterd down mac ios/hybrid platform with downloads through the app store like the iphone and ipad killing the powerfull features we have but running on every apple device!

    I personally think apple will kill the ability to download any content through safari in the future in mac os!

    So all apps will be vetted by apple and all music/films we have to be made through itunes no popping on to amazon or whever to make a purchase through a browser on your imac or macbook!

    I hate the direction this is going they are building a walled garden around mac os slowly and dont be supprised the ports start disapearing on the macbook soon for a 30pin dock!

    Bad move apple!f u d !

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  • bmustaf
    Sep 14, 09:59 AM
    They DO, I don't think you have the facts. CR held Lexus' feet to the fire to get them to act on the GX - http://blogs.consumerreports.org/cars/2010/04/consumer-reports-2010-lexus-gx-dont-buy-safety-risk.html .

    They EXPLICITLY came out and said "DO NOT BUY". A lot harsher than the Apple "Cannot Recommend".

    People trust CR because they're a non-profit that doesn't accept ads, endorsements, or free product. So, I don't see what is wrong with not recommending a product that has a flaw that the manufacturer isn't providing a permanent/non-band aid style fix for.

    If you read their article/write up on the iPhone 4, they give you the facts and let you make your decision, but when CR says "Recommended" you can be pretty sure you're buying a product without its issues. I don't think anyone here can say the iPhone 4 is without its issues. Those issues aren't a material problem for me, so I love mine, but I'm not a blind Apple fanboy type, either, so I have the wherewithall to understand that Apple and their products aren't perfect.

    I respect CR for making an unpopular call & sticking with it. I tend to trust them because they are open about their testing, results, the facts, and make recommendations based on that. I can make my own decision, so I didn't heed their "Not Recommended", but I do understand and respect why they rated it so and why the Case Program isn't an acceptable answer.

    PS - Auto makers pretty much do have to go door-to-door and hand out the fix for affected cars. You get a card in the mail and if it is a safety issue (e.g. accelerator/tip over, etc) they will even have the dealer come GET the car from you until it is "made safe" again. The onus is *NOT* on the owner, the company has to be proactive about it. Besides, CR isn't asking Apple to send a Steve Jobs look alike to everyone's home to put a case on their phone - they're just asking Apple to provide a *permanent* fix, be it a *permanent* case program (which I think is a band-aid, and I think CR sees it that way, too) or a *permanent* hardware fix. There is no certainty what the case (no pun intended) is going to be after Sept 30 - they have a point there.

    Follow up - Lexus fixed the problem and CR lifted their "DO NOT BUY" recommendation - http://blogs.consumerreports.org/cars/2010/05/video-lexus-gx-460-passes-retest-consumer-reports-lifts-dont-buy-label.html . CR is *NOT* the problem here, it's Apple penchant for hubris/self-involvement. I love Apple and their products, but I'm not fooling myself to expect that they'll be any more consumer-friendly and honest than they need to be to turn a profit/feed Steve's ego.

    Get your facts straight before you spout off with inaccurate rhetoric.

    Does Consumer Reports stop recommending automobile purchases? Because you know if there is an issue with a car, the manufacturer will issue a recall. If you are affected, you have to take it into a dealer where it will be fixed. The onus is on the owner of the car, for crying out loud! The auto manufacturers should go house to house providing the fix for free to all cars, whether their owners report a problem or not!

    Wait, you mean Consumer Reports does not hold the auto manufacturers to the same artificial standard they hold Apple to? How amazing...

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 10:34 PM
    as pro users of ANY pro software don't want to re-learn an interface for no reason!

    This pro user will re-learn the interface for the very good reason that I will get lots of new features and tools.

    It's a shame you're going to go out of your way to apparently not learn anything during the process. Seems counter-productive to me, but it's your life.

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  • justin bieber birthday cards.

  • oldwatery
    Apr 26, 07:31 PM
    anyone else getting a little bit fed up of apples lawsuits?

    Count me in there.
    Apple have become Big Brother and Big Bully lately.
    In the past they trod more lightly.

    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber facebook name.
  • justin bieber facebook name.

  • Multimedia
    Aug 31, 12:32 PM
    What about this report of a silent mini update already in the pipeline on the French HardMac website? (http://www.hardmac.com/news/2006-08-31/#5869) :)

    "I have ordered a Mac mini Core solo with 1GB of RAM last Saturday to use it as a server, and what a surprise when I received the box!

    My Mac mini has been upgraded:
    - Core Duo 1.66GHz instead of Core Solo 1.5GHz
    - HD 100GB instead of 60GB
    - and a SuperDrive instead of a Combo!

    Thanks Apple !

    On the box, the specifications are those of a Mac mini Core Solo..."Wow! Fantastic for $599. Awesome! Exactly what I was hoping for - esp the 100GB HD. Looking great. I wonder why the Apple Website Store hasn't been updated to reflect this change? :confused: Surely all in the pipeline that were 1.5 solo are now 1.66 duo. Perhaps Apple doesn't want Joe Blow to know so the rest of the solos can GO with the Blows? :D

    That's gotta be the biggest increase in power in recent Apple history for no additional cost - twice the cores running faster than the previous one. Maybe back in the G4 days something like this happened. But it wasn't at the bottom of the line for $599. And it CERTAINLY wasn't unannounced and not even on the packaging!

    I'm very excited for all the mini buyers out there. Congrats if you get one like this before Apple admits they are in the pipeline.

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  • justin bieber facebook name.

  • rikers_mailbox
    Jul 18, 02:21 AM
    If true, an iTunes movie download service could drive sales of Mac Minis as a home-entertainment device. Not that it is (of ever will be) an all-in-one solution... but development of Front Row will continue and this is just one step towards something good for Apple and consumers alike.

    I, for one, am all for the movie rental model. I'm interested in actually purchasing only very few movies. The others I watch only once, maybe twice. If I had to buy them, they'd sit on the virtual shelf until the next video format (VHS, DVD, BluRay/HD-DVD, ???) comes out and I'd just have to buy the same movie again. Please, let me rent.

    As for quality, I'd expect nothing less than DVD. Apple thrives on progress. Although I'm willing to bet Jobs is pushing for some level of HD, 720p for starters?

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  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • PBF
    Apr 1, 03:29 AM
    Guess why they are the only two removable apps?


    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • hyperpasta
    Sep 1, 01:27 PM

    They say reliable sources confirm a 23" MEROM (not Conroe) iMac!

    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber new hair. justin
  • justin bieber new hair. justin

  • iMeowbot
    Nov 29, 11:38 AM
    I was in a Brookstone at a pretty upscale mall where the manager told me they were selling well - much better than their other MP3 players. Brookstone doesn't carry iPods so take it for what it's worth.
    Is what they show here (http://www.brookstone.com/store/thumbnail.asp?sid=194&wid=2&cid=67&search_type=subcategory&cm_re=C*MP3*MP3%20Players) the whole selection they have in their stores? If so, it wouldn't be too surprising that the Zune did better there.

    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber ymcmb red.
  • justin bieber ymcmb red.

  • hyperpasta
    Jul 18, 10:23 AM
    World Wide DEVELOPER Conference.

    This is great news, but if you look at the TS article, it says that they expect not only a movie rental service but also a new iPod nano at WWDC.

    WWDC is big enough with Leopard and the Mac Pro... two groundbreaking new products of interest to developers. These iPod announcements would be perfect for a press event in September or October... cheaper or capacity-upgraded full-size iPods, new iPod nanos, iTunes 7 with movie rentals, and maybe new MacBook Pro's and iMacs using Merom and Conroe.

    That would make a kickass special event. Or maybe use Apple Expo Paris for that. But please, I don't think they'll totally overload WWDC and turn it into a circus... its a developer conference!

    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber new hair. justin
  • justin bieber new hair. justin

  • TheFlashGuy
    Jun 22, 04:28 PM
    To paraphrase - "It's just a giant iPad!"

    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber ymcmb red.
  • justin bieber ymcmb red.

  • Zaap
    Jan 22, 11:29 AM
    2011 CRV-EX

    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber tour bus crash.
  • justin bieber tour bus crash.

  • xionxiox
    Apr 2, 08:00 PM
    yea uh huh sure.

    I want to ask you how many ipad 2s have you seen out in the wild?

    Because I have seen 14, mine, my aunt, my friend, my friend's dad, and 10 in band class.

    and none of them have any of the said issues.

    so in my experience 100% ipad 2s don't have any hardware issue

    let me throw these comments back in here too

    You have to understand this person, they are bored as hell and have nothing other to do than to read a whole bunch of tech website "news" and throw it back in your face to make themselves noticed. It's a horribly lonely cycle. :apple:

    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber tour bus crash.
  • justin bieber tour bus crash.

  • wolfie37
    Apr 21, 03:42 PM
    And the non-story with the non-privacy issues goes on and on and on. Sometimes a little knowledge really is a bad thing. So some info is stored on your phone, and your computer and this results in a public outcry. Yet every mobile phone company has logs of where and when every text and call you made through them and data on which masts you were connected to at the time, regardless of wether you have a smart phone or a plain old dumb one. Credit card companies know what you spent, what you bought and where you bought it. Shops have data on when and where you purchased from them using your card. Airports/airlines know where you have been and when. I could go on.

    All of these miss one key point, they are of no use except to someone with malicious intent, yet do we hear anything about addressing that which is the real issue. The biggest fear I have read about, in terms of numbers, is someone getting caught cheating on their partner. Think about it, no complaints about the cheating but about being caught!!! Just where is the sense of proportion and focus on the real issues???

    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber tour bus crash.
  • justin bieber tour bus crash.

  • CaptMurdock
    Nov 25, 02:52 PM
    For my son's X-Box...


    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • aurin
    Jan 13, 05:25 PM
    The MacBook Air
    Is Vaporware:p

    [QUOTE=thinkband;4744434]Actually, I think 'Macbook Air' has a ring to it.

    justin bieber feet smell. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • andrew.gw
    Apr 1, 06:15 PM
    Mail now shows "No Message Selected", which is much nicer than the empty white area from the last version; "Mail Activity" looks nicer as well. I've also noticed that the "Noteworthy" font from iOS 4.3 is present in this version of Lion.

    Nov 25, 07:45 PM
    Yeah that didn't make sense. ;)

    FWIW, I really love Pelican cases. I'll be buying one soon to put a couple guns in. Kudos to you for taking care of your $h!t.

    You will most likely never drive a Ferrari at full speed, My glasses may never be crushed by a truck. But it's nice to have the speed/protection. :cool:

    And thank you for the kudos, It's something my family (grandfather mostly) taught me to do all my life. :)

    Apr 12, 09:57 PM
    will final cut express get an update too?

    I am guessing yes. If it is kept at all.

    Then a similar move with Logic

    But I am curious about the rest of the suite and the remaining missing features from Shake

    Sep 6, 10:48 AM
    Somewhat decent, a bit faster than the 6600GT, less power consumption IIRC. Just look out for normal reviews in the PC territory, that should give you an idea. I think it would be a decent choice in a sub-$1000 computer... over that I'd be expecting something better. Still, the 6600GT which I have is pretty decent, can play most games at a good resolution and high quality settings.

    I'm going to buy the basic Mini... the size makes the difference, since it's going to be used at different locations (every few months in a different country ;) ). A superdrive would be nice, but not neccessary.

    Anyone knows if student discount and the "free printer" works with refurbs too?

    It doesn't.

    Doctor Q
    Jul 18, 02:46 PM
    Movies will have a limited number of plays, rather than a limited number of time to view. Or, alternately, you will pay-per-view (literally).I rarely watch a movie exactly once straight through from start to finish. I might back up to see a scene again, skip the boring parts where there are no car chases or spy gadgets, pause to answer the phone and then back up because I missed a few seconds, stop because it's been 15 minutes and I feel the need to visit MacRumors and then start again the next day because I forgot I hadn't finished the movie, watch the opening scenes again after the final credits because it's fun after you know secrets you learn later in the movie, and so on.

    So what constitutes "one play" of a movie?

    Mar 26, 05:18 PM
    But I agree, :apple: really should build a computer for the consumers that actually knows something about computers and are interested in the area. But I guess that would be bad business, as it would be impossible to sell parts att 200% of the normal price if that box could be opened by the user.


    It's funny because it's true. ;)

    Steve Jobs is right on the ball, though. Notice how important OpenCL has been since its introduction. It's blowing the doors off the rest of the Windows world! Now watch as Thunderchicken rules the school with exactly zero products for it! Apple has been doing a good job of being "first" in areas that don't matter one bit and being years and years behind in areas that do matter (e.g. Blu-Ray, USB3, OpenGL, etc.)