justin bieber look alike

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  • kalsta
    May 2, 11:05 PM
    I'm glad Apple is thinking for themselves and leaving the purists behind as they adopt newer, better ways of doing things. The idea of installing from a disc image is ridiculous. Anyone I've explained it to can understand it, but always mention there must be a better way. "Install" is much better than launching a disc image, opening an applications window, and then dragging the icon over to the other window.

    Fair comment. Disk images and dragging apps into the application folder makes sense to me, but I can see how it might confuse new users. (I like the control of where I put my apps. For instance, when I am testing various trial apps I prefer to put them in categorised folders rather than litter my application folder with apps I may never use again or even remember what they do.)

    Pre- App Store we typically had this or a drawn out installation wizard, but nothing in-between. Why not a simple one window installer that offers to place the self-contained app package in the application folder by default? It could have an advanced button for more options, but keep it ultra simple and fast for most users.

    justin bieber look alike. Take a look at teen pop
  • Take a look at teen pop

  • sanseven
    Mar 23, 01:28 AM
    it is optimistic to me, I will keep my eyes on its updating

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  • justin bieber girl look alike.

  • BC2009
    Oct 24, 01:24 AM
    Ditto for me. I can't believe I waffled between 3GS, HTC Incredible, and iPhone 4. With 3GS 30% of my calls were dropped, with iPhone 4, 0%. Had it since July 5.

    And remarkably Consumer Reports recommended the 3GS. Which drops more calls just like other smart phones drop calls. What CR did was take advantage of the media hysteria and jumped on the bandwagon with a review that would put them in the spotlight. I would respect them much more if they did not recommend previous model iPhones that got worse reception.

    But their biased unprofessional review with the reviewer's little demonstration with the masking tape showed their bias and intent. They were simply out to take advantage of an opportunity to take wall street's favorite child down in order to get the spotlight.

    Where was the "non-recommendation" on the first review that rated the iPhone-4 as the best phone ever? That was when it was popular in the media to praise apple - before antenna-gate. CR came off on this one like a politician wavering with public opinion. I always expected CR to uncover issues with products, not simply ride the media public opinion wave or worse to publish fiction to sell their subscriptions.

    justin bieber look alike. lookalike. Justin Bieber
  • lookalike. Justin Bieber

  • milo
    Sep 7, 07:27 AM
    It's a nice idea, but WAY too pricey. I don't know what makes them think people will be willing to pay these prices when the DVD is available for just a little bit more (in some cases the same or less) and includes special features, probably better quality, and no DRM.

    If the studios insist on this kind of pricing for all download services, it will just drive people to bittorrent and netflix. It's just silly to insist that pricing be as much as DVD when you don't get as much for your money.

    The rumors also haven't addressed picture quality. I assume it will be an improvement, and it DEFINITELY won't be HD...but will it be even DVD quality? I'd say that's the bare minimum for something like this to even be considered by most consumers.

    I don't think rental is that big a deal. It would be nice (and may be added later), but it's a completely separate market from sales. I think people are going overboard saying lack of rentals would kill it.

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  • Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 10:45 AM
    If it's cheaper, looks better, sounds better, and has more available titles, then why shouldn't HD DVD win? If BD used a more efficient codec, or at least had 50gb dual layer discs now (so MPEG2 could have a high bit rate at least), and the all the backing studios pumped out more titles, I'd buy it. But that isn't what it's shaping up to be right now. If they can get their act together, this could be a fight... but they are behind.

    Because current performance isn't prove of future trends, even if it is a indicator. If BD has a plan to release 50-200GB discs, while HD DVD can only make 70, then there is an advantage. If BD runs a better codec, I'm not sure but I think MPEG2/4 is a lot more flexible than VC-1 (knowning how windows is), unless its just H.2164? (forgot the number. Yet, personally I used to be a Blu-Ray fan, but now favor HD-DVD. The reason?

    Well, firstly, Blu-Ray is obviously going to have a lot more DRM control, which I HATE. I HATE THAT CRAP. I mean the whole rootkit CD thing, pissed of my friends, I mean I didn't care too much cause I could jsut burn it regularily on my mac. :D! But, if a Blu-Ray player comes to mac, I'm sure DRM will come too. And man... that would suck. I really don't want my mac slowed down, so some Sony exec knows what I'm watching.

    And personally, I don't see any use for discs over 50GB. I mean I probably could fit my whole music collection on one 70GB HD-DVD to back up. Hell, I could probably fit my music and photo collection if I got rid of some music I have been meaning to get around too. But even if I had to use two discs... big whoop... plus one disc of 200GB.... I don't even have 200GB of HD space ebtween 4 computers. How the hell can I use it?

    Plus, with current trends, it looks like HD-DVD will have a bigger foothole by the time Sony releases the PS3... itll be late b/c of shrotage in chip and blue ray drives... and then itll be really expensive. I think Xbox might have one this one... hopefully they dont botch it with the HD-DVD thing. And if they don't then that means for $400 you can get a HD-DVD player.... thats a steal when you consider everything it does also. I just dont see Sony winning this one, unless they drop DRM and massively subsidize all products (fat chance).

    justin bieber look alike. Justin Bieber Hair Look Alikes
  • Justin Bieber Hair Look Alikes

  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 21, 12:27 PM
    Only ones upset over such news is Johny what's his face who hangs out at the local booby bar, when his wife thinks he's somewhere else. :eek:

    He should know better to turn off the location service.

    Think about this, people... without it, it would be practically impossible to use the find my iPhone Feature of MobileMe.

    Have you thought that the government can track your approximate location based on your SunPass usage? (Sunpass is a automated toll paying system used in Florida, U.S. It's also known by different names in other states. Every time you pass by a Toll, their sensors read your Sunpass and charge your account accordingly.
    I have noticed the presence of these 'sensors' in other parts of the road besides Toll plazas.

    So, be real: Absolute Privacy does no longer exists.

    justin bieber look alike. Justin Bieber Lesbian look a
  • Justin Bieber Lesbian look a

  • acslater017
    Aug 6, 11:04 PM
    you know everyone's going mac nuts when it says "update: photo of cloth covered banners".... :)

    justin bieber look alike. picture-image-justin-ieber
  • picture-image-justin-ieber

  • Multimedia
    Sep 8, 09:38 PM
    Well, the update certainly wasn't jaw-dropping, it was just a normal product cycle update. So in comparison to the new CPU's in the iMac, oh, and the whole 24" screen business, the mini update kind of pales in comparison.

    That said, I did buy one today from CompUSA! :D I was very surprised that they had them in already, they even got some of the new low end iMacs yesterday, no 24 inchers yet.

    So now my office will be pleasantly furnished with a new Mac mini, wireless keyboard and Mighty Mouse. Everyone else in the building runs Windows (although a few have ACD's), but it shouldn't be too difficult to convert them once they see my little powerhouse of a mini. My boss was already blown away when I showed it to him, he called in three other people to look at it.

    Fish in a barrel, my friends. ;)

    Mine: Dual 2.0 G5 PowerMac - survived lightning strike
    Wife: 1Ghz G4 iBook
    30gig iPod Video w/ IS
    Airport Express - didn't survive lightning Did you buy the 1.66 or 1.83 model? Would You Mind Comparative Testing It Against Your Dual 2 G5 Please? I need to know if it is in fact faster even at these slower speeds. I have a spare Dual 2 G5 here now I got at Fry's for $864.26 a few weeks ago. I need to know how it stacks up to a mini in performance.

    When I was at Fry's yesterday, I tried a few things on a 1.83 MacBook and found it to be much slower than I expected - I think slower than the dual 2 G5. What do you think? Can you put them side by side and run some comparisons?

    justin bieber look alike. JB Look alike (its Timo)
  • JB Look alike (its Timo)

  • Northgrove
    Apr 21, 11:28 AM
    Although this isn't stopping me from using my phone, I still think this is definitely the right move and I'm interested in hearing what Apple has to say about it, and hope they are pressured on this topic. As for Google: a) this discussion isn't about Google so that company is off-topic, and b) assuming it *was* about Google rather than Apple, I would have liked to see the same steps taken there.

    Storing a user's whereabouts for the foreseeable future with no system to remove old data (like Google and other search companies does it, anonymizing data within 18-24 months) and not even tell your users about it is definitely not good. When data is collected that can compromise a user's privacy, they need to include details on this in their end-user agreement.

    justin bieber look alike. Look alike?
  • Look alike?

  • jgould
    Feb 19, 06:18 PM
    Not much I can do with my dorm.

    What is the cord that is going into your chemistry book? I've heard of E-Books, but I didn't know they needed power cords... ;)

    justin bieber look alike. Justin Bieber. Rate It:
  • Justin Bieber. Rate It:

  • TwinCities Dan
    Nov 25, 06:18 PM

    so true

    late entry to post of the year

    may i suggest a case for when you're out on the road

    :rolleyes: Wow, so you liked Surely's comment so much you had to pretend you came up with it? Ohhh, copykris, now I get it! :p

    Let's get back to the purchases...

    I bought 4 of these

    and some of this

    justin bieber look alike. Justin Bieber look-alike.
  • Justin Bieber look-alike.

  • GeekLawyer
    Apr 12, 08:19 PM
    That was pretty funny. It looked on Twitter like maybe 9to5mac had sorta tricked AppleInsider into announcing FCP7. (2 years after the fact.) Apparently there's a lot of "borrowing" of stories between the two sites.

    justin bieber look alike. Justin Bieber Hair Look Alikes
  • Justin Bieber Hair Look Alikes

  • steviem
    Apr 11, 01:56 PM
    DSG isn't an automatic gearbox by the standard of Torque Converters or CVT.

    It uses two banks of gears and two clutches.

    My friend had a Citroen C2 with a Tiptronic gearbox. This is an automatic with flappy paddles on the steering wheel. That was an automatic (Torque converter) that just changed the way the automatic gear selector layout to a stick with Park, Drive, reverse and if you flicked the gear selector to the right, you could use the flappy paddles.

    The differences with this Automatic and DSG, was that in the Citroen, when you flicked up, you then had to wait more than a beat for the gear to change up. You had to wait more than a beat for the gear to change down, and if you went too far out of rev range, it would change up or down without your input.

    On the DSG, in manual mode, you still have control over the gears and revs, just the clutches are controlled by computer, which can disengage the clutch and engage the other clutch (with the next gear) in a flash.

    justin bieber look alike. Bieber lesbian lookalike.
  • Bieber lesbian lookalike.

  • know-it-all5
    Jul 18, 10:34 AM
    Most people can't hear the difference between MP3 and AAC (or just don't care) and that's mainly because of low quality headphones but believe me if you're going to be selling movies you better have some decent resolution because people are going to plug their laptops/minis/media centers into their TV's and watch the movies. I was just watching some TV's I ripped from one of my DVD's last night and it looked ok with my 1080i 42" screen but I also tried playing one of my iTunes shows on my HD TV and it looked pretty crappy. I can understand watching TV shows on your CPU/iPod but if you go after movies they are going to be on the TV and the resolution better not be crap or else it'll be noticeable and nobody will buy it.

    I agree with almost everything you just said. In my opinion movies are for bigger screens. I would like to be able to watch these on my tv rather than a smaller computer screen.
    AND THEN there became psp. As we can see there are many people out buying psp formatted discs to watch movies. These movies only work on psp( I suppose you could hook it up to your computer,tv, but ultimately the average/common usage of these is for portable movie watching. Personally I find this rediculous and pointless, but if u look at many consumers, they seem to think otherwise. If apple can offer these via itunes to ipods there will be loads of people who will love this. With a bigger screened ipod one could compete with the psp Video market. Most people with a psp seem to have an ipod too (in my experiences), and if this works, expensive movies for a psp, may be swapped for cheap ipod video rentals.

    justin bieber look alike. Justin Bieber Look-A-Like.
  • Justin Bieber Look-A-Like.

  • Zadillo
    Oct 23, 01:16 PM
    I'm hoping for a MPB with: Core 2 Duo up to 2.33 Ghz - Flash boot (NAND memory) - better GPU, ATI launched her x1800 mobile GPU march 2006 - 802.11n - more ram capacity - firewire 800 and faster super drive.

    But Im afread I have to wait untill january for this master piece of mobile technology. :(

    The X1800 is a monster though...... I think the only thing you can even find it in is some of those high-end 17" gaming behemoth laptops. I can't see any possible way they'd fit it into the 15 or 17" MBP.

    justin bieber look alike. Bieber look-a-like the rest of
  • Bieber look-a-like the rest of

  • Graeme43
    Feb 24, 05:52 AM
    Diesel is still noisy and stinky though! Every time I am in my car and a diesel goes infront I can smell it and it kinda hurts my nose as it "smells hot" if u know what I mean :confused:

    Plus my 2T petrol has just as much or more torque than a diesel and has double the horsepower :D

    justin bieber look alike. in Look-A-like
  • in Look-A-like

  • Eraserhead
    Mar 19, 05:07 AM
    Its always a tough call, if you don't go in you risk something like:


    Where over half a million people are killed.

    justin bieber look alike. Justin+ieber+look+alike+
  • Justin+ieber+look+alike+

  • digitalnicotine
    Nov 27, 11:59 AM
    It was my annual Black Friday "Buy a ton of video games" day today. Most of them on sale quite a lot, so it worked out nicely. I got 6 really awesome games for just over $100....

    Nice! Don't forget to look out a window once in a while. ;)

    justin bieber look alike. Look Alike Justin Bieber?
  • Look Alike Justin Bieber?

  • gnasher729
    Apr 3, 12:20 PM
    Great ad. When they can't compete on specs Apple should try to use fuzzy math (sorry, logic) to convince people that there is more to their products. That's the only way for Apple to keep the profit margin.

    You may not have noticed that, but what you call "specs" are not the specs that are important to Apple, and not the specs that are important to people. I've heard the term "measurbators" used in photography for people who are interested in the specs of cameras, instead of being interested in making photos. Apple doesn't build the iPad for people who look for specs, but for people who want to do stuff with a tablet and enjoy it.

    May 2, 05:30 PM
    I got a another newbie question
    I am planning on moving out of Windows (7) and onto MAC OS X, but I want to wait for Lion since its close to a finished product. Now my question is, if Lion comes out, would that mean every Mac (Mac Pro, iMac, iMac mini, Macbook, MB Pros, etc) would have Lion installed/packaged or is there a specific mac that will have Lion on its first day and the other macs would have to wait???

    I wouldn't worry about the OS... all new Macs will run Lion and depending on the specifics, you'll probably get the upgrade for free or very cheap. Also, unless Apple chances something, past upgrades can be easily installed on multiple machines. Where MS has Windows licensed to a CPU, Apple does not care. They don't make that much money on the OS sales, they make the money on the hardware.

    So, if you're going to wait for anything, I would wait for the World Wide Developers Conference in June and see what's announced there, then make your purchase. Then you'll have a good idea of what's new and be ready for Lion.

    Welcome aboard!

    Apr 21, 03:15 PM
    Despite the freaked brigade and people wanting to turn this into a huge political argument I think this guy at Reddit had the best thing to say about this:

    Yes they probably need to encrypt this to keep thieves and insane people from taking it from your phone but it's nothing that other cellular providers aren't doing with their phones, you just can't see it necessarily.

    I do think that guy is right and it is only about caching the cell tower locations. I baffles me however which idiot engineer at Apple thought it would be good idea to store those locations along with detailed timestamps unencrypt and even move it to the next phone if you happen to switch phones. If you work on such a high profile system, you need to make smarter decisions than that.
    The second thing that baffles me is Apples blatant incompetence handling these kind of situations. Haven't they learnd anything from antenna gate? Sitting on your ass for several days having the internet raging and the evening news reporting on this stuff without a word, is horrible press. It is more than day since the story broke and no official word from Apple yet .. good job people, let the field to the raging internet mob and the incompetent news crews.


    Apr 11, 09:18 AM
    All this discussion is apple's cap of tea for :) because we don't speculate if there is any mp3 player better than classic ipod. The only enemy of apple is apple.
    I have now big problem, because i ve got Nokia C7, which has everything i would like from ipod touch, but ipod classic is not a really good choice for me... the only thing i apreciate in it is an enormous hdd, but due to its communicating only via itunes - i can't use it for different files than multimedia. If i could store there other files i would buy it. So i hope Apple will release new model with OS which will solve the problem :)

    Oct 12, 08:11 AM
    They will not run on iMacs or laptops...

    Apr 10, 04:34 PM
    When I learned to drive in the mid-70s we were taught on automatics in Driver's Ed, as far as I know there weren't any manual transmission cars as part of the program, but I think we were "taught" about them in the book portion of the class. I drove automatics from that point on.

    Fast forward to the mid-80s and I was going to buy my first new car, an 1985-1/2 Ford Escort and since gas was at the astronomical price of $1.20-1.30 per gallon I wanted a manual transmission. I had a friend who had a 1985 Ford Escort so I asked him if he could give me a basic lesson, we spent about an hour one afternoon on the back streets with basically zero traffic, but I learned the basics.

    Bought the new Escort and for my first real drive (I didn't test drive it) drove it back home from the Dealership approximately 15-miles, covering stop and go city traffic up to highway speeds of 55mph. I was a bit rough on takeoffs for the coming weeks, occasionally stalling it or lurching about, but I got better. Backing up took a while longer to get the idea of but that eventually came to me.

    One funny memory I have of those early days, it that my wife (then girlfriend) and I were attempting to leave a local department store's parking lot. I always tried to use the less frequented exits and streets as I wasn't very good with takeoffs at first. To compound things this store's driveway went slightly uphill to the street. Oh-oh, I'm sure you can see where this story is going. Every time I tried to accelerate forward the car would start rolling backward, I didn't understand the friction point on the clutch yet, so I pulled up the parking brake to hold the car in place and told my wife, "when I say now release the parking brake", she did when I told her and I was able to get the car to move forward and out on to the street without rolling back into the car behind us. :)

    I had that car for 12-years. It's the only manual transmission car that I've ever driven. I miss it. :(