amor prohibido lyrics

amor prohibido lyrics

amor prohibido lyrics amor prohibido lyrics amor prohibido lyrics

amor prohibido lyrics amor prohibido lyrics amor prohibido lyrics

We are more often treacherous through weakness than through calculation. ~Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Love is being stupid together. ~Paul Valery

People are pretty much alike. It's only that our differences are more susceptible to definition than our similarities. ~Linda Ellerbee

No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch. ~Leo Dworken

A man's age is something impressive, it sums up his life: maturity reached slowly and against many obstacles, illnesses cured, griefs and despairs overcome, and unconscious risks taken; maturity formed through so many desires, hopes, regrets, forgotten things, loves. A man's age represents a fine cargo of experiences and memories. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Wartime Writings 1939-1944, translated from French by Norah Purcell

Hefeweizen. Never drink something you can't spill. ~Steve Miller,

Women are not the weak, frail little flowers that they are advertised. There has never been anything invented yet, including war, that a man would enter into, that a woman wouldn't, too. ~Will Rogers

Always serve too much hot fudge sauce on hot fudge sundaes. It makes people overjoyed, and puts them in your debt. ~Judith Olney

No philosophers so thoroughly comprehend us as dogs and horses. ~Herman Melville, Redburn. His First Voyage, 1849

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. ~Confucius

Clever father, clever daughter; clever mother, clever son. ~Russian Proverb

You don't have to be straight to be in the military; you just have to be able to shoot straight. ~Barry Goldwater

Saying: a usually pithy and familiar statement expressing an observation or principle generally accepted as wise or true.

God punishes us mildly by ignoring our prayers and severely by answering them. ~Richard J. Needham

If you're doing your best, you won't have any time to worry about failure. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. ~Buddha

Happiness is a by-product of an effort to make someone else happy. ~Gretta Brooker Palmer

Teach us to say: "I will arise." ~Richard Le Gallienne

As the blazing fire reduces wood to ashes, similarly, the fire of Self-knowledge reduces all Karma to ashes. ~Bhagavad Gita

I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering. ~Steven Wright